April 2024: Dungeons & Dragons x Octopus first drop distributed exclusively at Napoli Comicon. September 2024: second session. Tentacles, creatures, spells and monsters from the role-playing game created exactly half a century ago by Gary Gigax and Dave Arneson.

Dungeons & Dragons was born from a group of friends with a shared passion for fantasy and wargames, who have made their idea a reality through self-publishing. Octopus celebrates the D&D story – and the thousand other stories it spawned in the decades that followed, eventually creating an entire culture populated by druids, barbarians, elves and humans. A culture made out of ghastly creatures, magical items, dice and miniatures.

The second Dungeons & Dragons x Octopus drop includes T-shirts and hoodies, where Octopus tentacles transform and merge with elements from the D&D world, such as the bricks of the dungeon walls or the blue flames of the undead, for a total of twelve garments featuring a wide range of graphic designs. The fantasy map seen on the first drop returns, while the new tentacular graphics are focused on spells and creatures from the world of D&D – from the Red Dragon to the legendary Beholder, and of course the Lich King, also already featured in the first drop. All items feature custom detailing and the 20-sided dice (D20) logo.

The Dungeons & Dragons x Octopus collection will be available from September 12 at octopusbrand.com and at selected Octopus retailers - find ‘em with Octopus’ store locator.
Photography: Omar Jaimes